La décadanse

(Mis)Communication - theatre charity comedy show in English

Rue de Monthoux 3

  • 3, Rue de Monthoux (Pâquis) - Genève
What are you up to on 5-6 May?

If you want to watch a fun theatre show in English and support a great cause at the same time, join us at the Geneva English Drama Society!

What is this about?
The theatre show is called (Mis)Communication and it consists of 3 one-act absurd comedies (Blue Kettle, The Universal Language and The Real Long John Silver).
Some are quite absurd while others more realistic but they all concern comic communication attempts between human beings!

All profits go to the charity association Save Sight Now Europe, which raises funds for medical research on a rare children disease leading to blindness called UsherB syndrome. Check them out here:

Friday 5 May at 8pm
Saturday 6 May at 5pm and at 8pm

In Paquis, Geneva - Rue de Monthoux 3

Tickets cost 25 CHF and you can get them here
20:00 – 22:00
25 CHF
Signaler une erreur Ajouté par christina7475 () le 29 avril 2023