La décadanse

LOVE & Laughs - Stand Up Comedy In English - Geneva

Floky la loutre

A Stand Up Comedy Show in English about all the stories you can relate: The Ex, dating apps and new relationships and eggplant emojis.

Come for one hour of laughs about all the stories you can relate: The Ex, dating apps, new relationships and eggplant emojis brought to you by the best comedians in town.

Y our host will be Magda Mihaila, a comedian ready to listen to your crazy story and find the funniest angle to the saddest break up. She will be joined by the funniest comedians in the area.

D o you have any love question? Ask a comedian! You won't get a solution, but you'll get some laughs while seeing us trying to find it. You can e-mail a suggestion before the show.
Signaler une erreur Ajouté par MagMih le 29 janvier 2024