La décadanse

Panel discussion beyond borders on «the Art of Education»

Société de Lecture (salle jaune)

  • 11 Grand Rue, 1204 Geneve - Genève
Panel discussion beyond borders on "the Art of Education":

Burning questions, among others: How can art promote education and awareness of social issues? What is the role of art in educational institutions?

Satellites of Art (organiser, moderation) & 4 fascinating panellists:
• Rafat Asad & Nour Shammah, Al-Studio Ramallah Artists
• Martin Walch, Artist & Director of the Art School Liechtenstein
• Silvia Naef, Professor at University of Geneva

Wednesday, June 19th at 6 pm at Société de Lecture (yellow room), 11 Grand Rue, 1204 Geneva.

The entry is free.
18:00 – 21:30
Voluntary contribution
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