La décadanse

Geneva Open-Mic Poetry Reading

Ethno Bar

  • Rue des Deux-Ponts 2 (Jonction) - Genève
Série de Open Mic Poetry Readings au Cafe Ethno, le dernier mercredi de chaque mois impair

Come join us to share poetry
in a comfortable, friendly environment.
Whether you come to read, or listen, or both, 
you will be welcome.

Everyone is welcome to read.
You may read your own or share someone else’s work.
Sign up on-site at 7pm.
Five minute limit. Strict.
It’s free. If you can, buy a drink to thank the establishment for the use of space.
English or French poems welcome.
Barking dogs or crying babies will be given whisky and sent outside.
19:00 – 21:00
Signaler une erreur Ajouté par ruffola le 26 septembre 2016