La décadanse


Théâtre de l'Usine

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Intriguées par les conséquences psychophysiques de l’interruption du clignement des yeux, Michelle Moura et Clara Saito, avec Blink, contrôlent le réflexe du clignement des yeux en ouvrant et fermant leurs yeux à l’unisson, en intensifiant ce mouvement par une partition rythmique et des gestes qui cristallisent le rapport entre chorégraphie et danse, contrôle et abandon, dehors et dedans. Blink est une danse générative : les mêmes gestes sont nourris et constamment remis en question jusqu’à ce qu’ils prennent de nouveaux sens. Un processus dynamique « d’incorporation » : un corps continu et toujours en formation.


Michelle Moura is a Brazilian choreographer and dancer, currently living in Berlin. Among her creations are, FOLE (2013), CAVALO (2010) and BLINK mini unison intense wail (2015), where she develops strategies to generate psycho-physical changes. A contrast among her previous creations is Coreografia estudo#1(2016), where she develops her interest in structure.

Her creations have been presented in international dance and performing arts festivals and venues in South America and Europe including Panorama Festival (BR), HAU – Hebbel am Ufer (DE) and the Musée de la danse (FR). As performer, she has worked with Wilhelm Groener (DE), Vincent Dupont (FR), Raphaëlle Latini/Groupe Entorse (FR), Dani Lima (BR), Alex Cassal (PT).

Dance studies at Essais Program, CNDC d’Angers (FR) (2010) and Das Choreography (2015), Amsterdam. She was was co-founder and member of Cauliflower Miniglobal Artistic Community (2005 – 2012) together with 7 other brazilian artists.

In 2019, Moura will premiere the piece “Enquanto Somos Humanos” in collaboration with Maikon K, at Rumos Itaú Cultural, São Paulo (BR). And will be collaborating with Sara Anjo in the creation of the group performance “Nós aqui nesse passinho vamos até o sol raiar”, Lisbon (PT).
20:30 – 21:30
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