AURAL COMA (or ∆UR∆L C∅M∆, jap. アウラルコマ) was formed in
2018 by vocalist Aya (彩) and bassist Teiko (貞子), having soon the
power of Keru (ケル) on drums, as for the last needed touch, Mr.R
as guitarist revealing the mystery of the now complete band.
Coming in with several experiences from previous bands, AURAL
COMA assures with creative flows from heavy metallic strings to
flippy riffs on electro synths a very unique sound.
Combining a new music-cocktail of catchy sound on an epic
background with the depths of japanese language, all by always
keeping stylish visual looks, is their strong suit.
This band opens the door of unlimited fantasy going real.
AURAL COMA promises for sure a unique experience.
Step into a new era, make the impossible possible.