La décadanse

World Environment Day Celebration in Geneva!

Maison Internationale de l'Environnement II

Since its first celebration in 1973, World Environment Day has been an occasion to raise awareness of environmental problems and to call for collaborative action across actors around the world.

Fifty years later, the problem of plastic pollution has become a major contributor to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. With more than 430 million tonnes of plastic produced every year worldwide and predictions of annual production reaching up to 1,100 million tonnes by 2050, bold solutions are necessary as currently only a fraction of these is recycled or reused.

In line with the official World Environment Day Celebration under the theme “Solutions to Plastic Pollution”, the Geneva Environment Network is hosting the traditional high-level event to celebrate the day in Geneva that will spotlight the efforts and progress undertaken by stakeholders in Geneva to beat plastic pollution.

International Geneva is strongly mobilized in the agenda to eliminate plastic pollution. From the outcomes of recent negotiations, the Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues that kicked off at the end of 2020, there are clear concrete examples of how multilateral Geneva is engaged in finding solutions to address this major crisis.

Join this celebration that will focus on "Multilateral Solutions to Plastic Pollution." Engage with leading diplomats and international experts taking the floor at this event highlighting how international Geneva multilateral diplomacy system, with its numerous intergovernmental organizations, permanent governmental missions, NGOs, platforms, academic institutions, and other stakeholders, is engaged in finding solutions to beat plastic pollution.

The high-level dialogue will be followed by a reception offered by Swiss government and local authorities.

Register now! This event is organized by the Geneva Environment Network.
11:00 – 13:30
entrée libre
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