In 2022, the Songs of Slavery and Emancipation project was released, offering a powerful exploration of history through a 50-minute documentary, an accompanying book, and two CDs featuring 26 songs—13 from the era of slavery and 13 abolitionist songs.
Since the project’s launch, Mat Callahan, Yvonne Moore, and Joe Johnson have been organizing events that combine film screenings, discussions, and live performances. The CDs’ songs were recorded by a choir specially formed in Berea, Kentucky, in close collaboration with Kathy Bullock, a professor of African-American music at Berea College.
From September 12 to 23, 2024, Kathy Bullock and four other singers will bring this project to life in Switzerland. They will host performances and workshops in churches, clubs, jazz schools, and high schools, where the project will be used for interdisciplinary lessons in English, history, and music. For a complete schedule of film screenings and concerts, visit